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日本航空 行李重量


特急!!!! 特急!!!!! 請問一下 搭乘日本航空 從日本成田機場 到 台灣中正機場 經濟艙行李的重量是多少公斤? 手提行李是多少件?多少公斤?


普通經濟艙去日本幾乎都是20KG , 若您對行李限重及規定有疑慮, 請務必自行去電航空公司洽詢! 航空公司保有隨時修正不另通知之權!


Flights to/from places other than U.S.A. (including Guam), Canada,Mexico,Brazil. 1) First Class : Total weight should not exceed 40kg (88lbs.). 2) Executive Class : Total weight should not exceed 30kg (66lbs.). 3) Economy Class : Total weight should not exceed 20kg (44lbs.). 4) For infants not entitled to a seat : Baggage with total weight not exceeding 10kg (22lbs.), plus 1 fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or infant's carrying basket or child seat. (Note)As there are some exceptions to the allowances described above, please contact your nearest JAL office for exact details. Carry-on Baggage Please limit your carry-on baggage to 1 piece. Carry-on baggage should be limited to one piece with linear dimensions not exceeding 115cm (45in.) in addition to such personal effects for in cabin use as handbag, camera, etc. Total weight of the such articles should not exceed 10kg (22lbs.)

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