


Eurostar cancel 一問


我online 以credit card book 左 eurostar 來回車票, 但因行程有變, 回程想cancel, 我o係佢地sent 俾我o個個confirmation 度, 佢話可以amend or chang something, 但唔見可以cancel.. 究竟可唔可以cancel 呢??


基本上,要check 你張ticket的terms & conditions. 你亦可參考eurostar的FAQ: Refunding your booking online you have made a booking online on our web site at and the ticket conditions permit your booking to be refunded you will be able to do this online. Scroll to the bottom of the home page on Under the ‘Manage your booking’ section, enter your e-mail address as entered when you made your booking and your six letter booking reference. This will take you to your booking. Under your booking details, there is a refund button. Click on this button and follow the onscreen instructions. Once you have completed your refund you will receive an automatic e-mail confirming the refund. Your refunded money will then appear in your account within the next five working days. If your refund fails due to a connection issue, you will receive an e-mail telling you the refund has failed. We also receive a copy of this e-mail so there is no need to do anything else. We will manually refund your booking. You will then automatically receive your money within 5 working days. There are some instances where you would not be able to use this facility and the refund button will not appear. If you have selected to have, your tickets posted or you have exchanged your booking via the telephone or contacted us via telephone to change any aspect of your booking then the refund button will not appear. Please then e-mail us using the ‘Email us’ link on the web site or telephone us on 01777 777 878. Please remember to quote your booking reference. 2009-03-12 19:40:59 補充: I have completed two identical bookings in error. How can I cancel one of them? If you have completed an identical booking in error please contact the Internet Support team. Please e mail us with your booking reference by clicking on the Email us tab above. 2009-03-12 19:41:54 補充: Contact NumbersInternet Bookings: If you experience problems making a booking online, or have any queries, comments or suggestions regarding our website. Call 08706 000 796 or from outside the UK 0044 1777 77 78 78 from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday; from 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday 2009-03-12 19:42:20 補充: 從其以上faq 估計,(根本找不到有關cancellation 的information) 多數都不可以cancel. 因為你張ticket無話可refund or cancellation. 不過, 你最好從以上的website queries的方法,聯絡他們問詳細.


您好,我推薦您一個很不錯的面向香港地區的旅游網站,里面包括各個網點的介紹,比如中國,日本,美國,加拿大,歐洲等地區,以及當地的酒店預訂,機票等信息。 祝您一切順利!6CC7293C79127CE5

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