我d英文好差,有d日常對話我想問下 點用英文講: 1.唔該,有沒有abc這個人在貴公司工作呢? 2.二揀一 3.可否給我他家的電話號碼? 4.你猜我是誰? 5.給點時間我想想
Excuseme, is there anyone called ABC working in this company? (唔該,有沒有abc這個人在貴公司工作呢?) Please choose one out of two. (二揀一) May I have his home telephone number? (可否給我他家的電話號碼?) Please guess who I am. Or : Guess who am I. (你猜我是誰?) Please wait a second while I am thinking. 2007-02-20 17:48:39 補充: Hope I can help you!
1.exculs me Is abc worked here? 2.choose 1 frome this 2? 3.please can u give me his phone number? 4.guess who am i? 5.give me some time to think about it?|||||Excuse me, are the office have abc working in? Choose one. Can you give his phone number to me? Can you guess who I am? Please give me some time to think.|||||1 excuse me,is abc working in your company 2 choose 1 in this 2 3 Can you give me his phone number? 4 You guess who I am? 5 Give me more time to think|||||1. Do you have a person called ABC working at your company? 2. Pick one out of two 3. Can you give me his home phone number? 4. Guess who I am 5. Give me some time to think about it.|||||1.Should not, have abc this person in your firm work?. 唔該,有沒有abc這個人在貴公司工作呢? 2.Two sorts one 二揀一 3.Whether or not gives me his family's telephone number? 可否給我他家的電話號碼? 4.You guessed who I am? 你猜我是誰? 5.For time I thought 給點時間我想想 Hope can help u la!|||||excuse me,pls do u have abc workin here choose 1 could u plx gimme his number guess who i am gimme sm time 2 think 'bout it