
中譯英 (不要網上翻譯)


7 月 1 日已經是我們能安排的最早貨期,一來訂購物料需時,二來現時我們廠的訂單及出貨日期已經排得很滿。另外這次你下的訂單貨品數量有 6000 個那麼多,所以做貨的需要時間會較長。 至於上一張數量 2400 個的同款訂單 (PO no. xxx) 能安排跟到訂單 (PO no. xxx) 6 月 10 的貨期已經是我們盡了力爭取回來的,希望你能諒解。


We believed the earliest date we could arranged would be the 1st of July. This is because it takes time to order materials, and secondly, we have already received many orders and the delivery dates have already been allocated. Especially this time, you have ordered 6000 pieces. Therefore, we need longer time for productions. Please note that about your last order (PO no. xxx), which was 2400 pieces of the same design, we had already tried our best to get you the delivery date on the 10th of June. We appreicated that you could understand our situation. 這是簡單的英文文書, 請你好好學習英文啦!


We have arranged to deliver the goods on 1st July 2008 which already the earliest date that we have. Firstly we have to order for the material and secondly we have received many order and our schedule of delivery had already full. In additions, you have ordered 6000 piece at this time. Therefore, we need longer time to process the goods. With refer to your previous order about 2400 piece same design of order(PO No. XXX), We have made the same schedule on the order(PO No.XXX), we have try our best to get the schedule on 10th June 2008, hope you can understand our difficulties and accept our apologize.




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