Grammer's usage about A LITTLE and PLENTY OF
I want to ask if these notes are correct or not.A Little ~ A little water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. ~ A little cups(量詞一定要加s) of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. ~ There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) a little cups of water in this glass.Plenty of ~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. ~There... 顯示更多 I want to ask if these notes are correct or not. A Little ~ A little water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. ~ A little cups(量詞一定要加s) of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. ~ There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) a little cups of water in this glass. Plenty of ~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. ~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty cups(量詞一定要加s) of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass.
A Little ~ A little water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. 英文句子的文法上對 少許水在這玻璃杯內 但notes錯:”(動詞一定是有s或單數)”是錯,動詞不是一定是有s或單數的 ~ A little cups(量詞一定要加s) of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. 不對,little只可用在數不到的情況下,因為cups是可以數到的,所以不可以用”A little cups”,應該用”A few cups” 而且,cups已有水杯的意思,為何還要有”in this glass”呢?只要其中一樣就可以了 所以全句短句應該係: A few cups of water 幾杯水 或者: Water in this glass 水在這玻璃杯內 而且,”(量詞一定要加s)”是錯,量詞不一定要加s 跟上,”(動詞一定是有s或單數)”是錯,動詞不是一定是有s或單數的 ~ There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) a little cups of water in this glass. 不對,跟上面的錯誤一樣 應該係: There are a few cups of water. 或者: There is a little water in this glass. 跟上,”(動詞一定是有s或單數)”是錯,動詞不是一定是有s或單數的 Plenty of ~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. 英文句子的文法上對,但”(動詞一定是有s或單數)”是錯,動詞不是一定是有s或單數的 ~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty cups(量詞一定要加s) of water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass. 錯,有cups就不需要glass了 你可以好像上面果句咁,或者:There are plenty cups of water 再者,”(量詞一定要加s)”是錯,量詞不一定要加s 跟上,”(動詞一定是有s或單數)”是錯,動詞不是一定是有s或單數的
a little: a little water in this glass 不是 there is a little bit of water in this glass 嗎? a little cups of water in this glass 究竟是什麼? 你現在的cups是形容water, 不過cups 應該是形容glass 的, 沒有cups of water in this glass ... 這樣就好像是說: 有幾杯水在杯子裡... there is a little cups of water in this glass 又是什麼呢? plenty of: there is plenty cups of water in this glass究竟是什麼? 是: (有很多杯水在杯子裡) 嗎?