5AS XX has been working in factory for more than 1 month, i really what her to contribute more in outgoing.that means she'll pick up outgoing products randomly to check.for her translator,i hope to hire her under XX's payroll. in this way there will not be ant conflict in terms of fob allocation.... 顯示更多 5AS XX has been working in factory for more than 1 month, i really what her to contribute more in outgoing.that means she'll pick up outgoing products randomly to check.for her translator,i hope to hire her under XX's payroll. in this way there will not be ant conflict in terms of fob allocation. there are much work ahead of us and i hope we can follow the schedule given by XX before.
看翻譯前請看一看[....]內的,, 5AS [係咪As....] XX has been working in factory for more than 1 month, i really what [是否want???] her to contribute more in outgoing.that means she'll pick up outgoing products randomly to check.for her translator,i hope to hire her under XX's payroll. in this way there will not be ant [any??] conflict in terms of fob [job??] allocation. there are much work ahead of us and i hope we can follow the schedule given by XX before. 如[....]內是對的, 可以看下面了~ 由於XX已經係我地公司工作超過一個月了, 我真是希望她會參與一些外出既工作, 即是她將會任意地選擇一些將送出既貨品來作檢查. 至於她的翻譯員, 我希望會由係她的薪金內聘用[即係佢出糧比佢自己既翻譯,唔係公司出數]. 在這樣的情況下, 就不會因工作分配而有任何的爭拗. 由於將會有大量的工作要我們處理, 我希望我們可以跟蹤XX前發出之時間表. 2007-08-31 18:05:21 補充: in terms of fob [job??] allocation就不會因工作分配而有任何的爭拗如果係fob的話, 就譯作::::就不會因錶袋分配而有任何的爭拗
跟蹤 should be translated to 跟從|||||5AS XX has been working in factory for more than 1 month, i really what her to contribute more in outgoing.that means she'll pick up outgoing products randomly to check.for her translator,i hope to hire her under XX's payroll. in this way there will not be ant conflict in terms of fob allocation. there are much work ahead of us and i hope we can follow the schedule given by XX before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5AS XX 一直在工廠中運作超過 1 月, i 真的什麼她在 outgoing.that 中有助於更多意指她將任意地對 check.for 拾起外向的產品她的翻譯者,i 希望在 XX 的薪資帳冊之下雇請她。 這樣,根據錶袋配置將沒有螞蟻衝突。 有很多的工作在我們之前,而且 i 希望我們能跟隨以前被 XX 給的時間表。 2007-09-07 07:36:58 補充: 你以後上呢個網就唔使問喇!!!廿一世紀的翻譯社 - 譯言堂http://www.mytrans.com.tw/newMytrans/freeTrans/Freesent.aspx有:繁,,,,簡,,,,英,,,,日,,等等,,|||||5AS XX 已經在工廠中工作了多於一個月,我真的希望她能能夠於戶外貢獻多一些。即是隨機接收戶外產品作檢驗。而對於她的翻譯員,我希望能夠把她受僱於XX之下,由XX支付她的薪酬,這樣就不會與 fob分派之條件有所衝突。我們手上現有多項工作,而我希望我們能夠依照XX之前給我們的時間表進行。|||||5AS XX在工廠真正地運作超過1個月, i什麼貢獻更多的她在她將任意地拾起外出的產品對檢查.給她的譯者的出外.那手段,我希望雇用她在XX工資單以下。 這樣將沒有螞蟻衝突根據表袋分派。 有工作在我們之前,并且我希望我們可以跟隨XX以前給的日程表。|||||5AS XX在工廠真正地運作超過1個月, i什麼貢獻更多的她在她將任意地拾起外出的產品對check.for她的譯者的outgoing.that手段,我希望雇用她在XX工資單以下。 這樣將沒有螞蟻衝突根據表袋分派。 有工作在我們之前,并且我希望我們可以跟隨XX以前給的日程表。